Los Angeles Child Custody Lawyers

Child Custody

Child Custody Attorneys in Los Angeles, California

When parents decide to separate, they also have to decide on several other factors regarding their children. They must address whether they will share custody of their minor children, who will make decisions for their children, and how much time each parent may spend with their children. Generally, if parents agree on a plan, the court will approve it. However, if they disagree, the court will decide for them. The judge will consider your children’s needs and other relevant aspects of your situation, and from there, he or she will issue a custody order that is in the best interest of each child. If you are facing a child custody issue, it is important that you have strong legal representation on your side. The Zitser Family Law Group, APC understands that the future of your family is on the line and is here to help. To discuss your situation with a legal team you can trust to help protect your family, contact Zitser Family Law Group today. Our skilled Los Angeles child custody lawyers are ready to help you through the legal process.

Types of Child Custody

In California, there are two types of custody orders: legal custody and physical custody. With legal custody, you can make important decisions on behalf of your children, such as their health care or education. If you have physical custody of your children, your children will continue to live with you, and the other parent might be granted the right to visit. You can also have sole legal or sole physical custody of your children, you may have one without the other, or you may share joint legal custody or joint physical custody of your children with their other parent.

Visitation Orders

A visitation order determines how parents will spend time with their children. A parent without custody will usually retain the right to visitation with their children, except in very rare circumstances. The amount and type of visitation will vary based on your situation.

One common concern regards whether grandparents are permitted to seek visitation. In California, grandparents may submit a petition that requests reasonable visitation rights. The court will assess the following factors to determine whether a grandparent should have visitation privileges:

  • Whether the relationship between the child and the grandparent existed prior to the petition being filed
  • Whether it is in the child’s best interest to have a relationship with his or her grandparent
  • Whether the child’s parent wishes to exercise his or her parental authority in determining if a grandparent should have visits with a child

Determining Custody & Visitation

When it comes time to decide on child custody and visitation, the court makes the best interests of the children their primary concern. In accordance with California Family Code Section 2011, the court will take into account the following factors when deciding on child custody:

  • The age and health of the children
  • The emotional ties between the children and their parents
  • The ability of each parent to care for the children
  • Histories of family violence or substance abuse
  • The children’s ties to their families, schools, and communities

Experienced Advocacy for Your Family

We understand that child custody battles can be stressful and emotional for everyone involved. Our child custody lawyers can achieve positive outcomes for your family through our time-tested approach. When you work with us, you can rest assured that our experience sets us apart from other attorneys.

Developing a Tailored Custody Plan

Child custody arrangements are one of the most critical aspects of family law cases. There is no one solution for families going through this process, so it is important to understand that the ideal custody plan will prioritize your children’s well-being and stability while considering your family’s unique needs. Our experienced attorneys can work closely with you to develop a customized custody plan that addresses the most important aspects of your child’s life.

Understanding Your Family’s Needs

To create a successful plan, we need a thorough understanding of your family’s dynamics. When working with you, we can gather vital information, such as your:

  • Children’s needs, including their ages, personalities, emotional well-being, relationships with each parent, academic status, extracurricular activities, and any special needs.
  • Parenting goals. We can discuss your vision for co-parenting. Our goal is for you to continue to provide a loving and supportive environment for your children. Understanding the level of involvement you desire regarding decision-making and day-to-day care is crucial.
  • Work schedules and living situations. We must take your work schedules, geographical proximity to your spouse, and current accommodations into account to create a realistic and sustainable custody plan.
  • Long-term vision for your family. Knowing your hopes for the future can help determine how your custody plan can evolve as your children grow. Circumstances change, and your plan changes with them.

Crafting a Detailed Custody Plan

Based on the information gathered, we can develop a custody plan to address crucial elements like physical custody, legal custody, decision-making authority, and visitation schedules. When you work with us, you can have a comprehensive plan that accounts for all aspects of your child’s well-being.

Physical Custody and Visitation Schedules

We can create a parenting plan to outline a consistent schedule for your children to spend time with each parent. Your schedule includes weekdays, weekends, holidays, school breaks, and vacations. Your plan can be tailored to your children’s ages, school schedules, and extracurricular activities.

Legal Custody and Decision-Making Authority

An important element of custody plans is determining legal custody and decision-making authority. Some people prefer a joint legal custody arrangement where both parents share decision-making, while others advocate for sole legal custody to give one parent the final say. Factors such as communication styles, ability to cooperate, and geographical distance can also be considered.

Communication Protocols

Establishing clear communication protocols can be essential to a successful co-parenting relationship. Your plan may address preferred communication methods, frequency of communication, and a strategy to handle disagreements constructively.

Conflict Resolution Strategies

We understand that disagreements may arise during child custody proceedings. Our team can work with you to outline a framework for resolving conflicts peacefully so you can prioritize your child’s well-being. Many times, our clients take advantage of mediation or collaborative practices.

Modifying Your Custody Plan

Life is rarely static, so it is important to realize that your family’s needs can evolve. At Zitser Family Law Group, APC, we can craft a custody plan that is flexible enough to adapt to your changing circumstances.

Drafting an all-encompassing custody plan does not mean that things cannot change when necessary. You can review and modify your plan collaboratively with your co-parent. Times when your plan may need a modification can include changes in:

  • Your children’s needs. As children grow older, their needs can change quickly. Your custody arrangement may need to adjust to accommodate changes in school schedules or extracurricular activities. It is important to pay attention to these changes to stay on track with the developments in your child’s life.
  • Living situations. If a parent relocates for work or experiences a significant change in their living situation, your custody plan can be modified to reflect these new circumstances.
  • Parental circumstances. We can help you adjust your child custody plan if a parent’s health or employment status changes. We strive to ensure that your arrangement fits your needs.
  • Communication and cooperation. Whether communication or co-parenting improves or declines over time, a modification may be necessary to reflect your current circumstances.


Q: How Much Does a Child Custody Lawyer Cost in California?

A: Child custody lawyer fees in California can differ depending on their experience and location, as well as the complexity of your case. Elements like individuals having complicated assets, intricate financial considerations, and possible lengthy disputes over child custody can affect legal costs. Fees usually consist of hourly rates or retainers that vary significantly. Lawyers with specific qualifications or many years of experience often charge more.

Q: What Are the Chances of a Father Getting 50/50 Custody in California?

A: The chances of a father getting 50/50 custody will depend on the unique circumstances of each case. The interests of the child matter most when determining child custody in California. Factors like the child’s age, their relationship with each parent, home environments, and a father’s ability to maintain stable nurturing conditions are considered.

Fathers do not have a lower chance of receiving custodial rights just because they are male. Courts base their decisions on how the father behaves toward the child.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer for Child Custody in California?

A: There is no mandate to have a lawyer for child custody cases in California, but lawyers are highly recommended, especially for cases involving complex factors. Hiring a great family law attorney who can ensure your rights are front and center while fighting for the ideal child custody arrangement can be invaluable.

Additionally, having someone who can handle complex financial issues or other related tasks can be beneficial. If your child custody case is part of a divorce, your lawyer can help with other issues, such as property division.

Q: How Can I Win Full Custody of My Child in California?

A: Full custody can be a rare occurrence in California courts, except when there are major concerns about the other parent’s ability to provide a safe and healthy environment for the child. California prefers that the child have access to both parents whenever possible. In many cases, it is better to focus on creating a parenting plan that emphasizes your child’s well-being through open communication and mediation instead of trying to seek full custody.


Contact a Los Angeles Child Custody Attorney

Custody and visitation are often contentious and emotional issues. We know that the welfare of your children is your first priority. With compassion and sensitivity, we will help you create the best possible custody arrangement for your family. Contact Zitser Family Law Group to schedule a consultation with our experienced legal team.

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