When filing for divorce, you’ll likely want to get the process over with as quickly as possible. However, you may be displeased to know that a considerable number of factors can influence the speed at which your divorce takes place. As such, it’s in your best interest to keep reading to familiarize yourself with the most common reasons your divorce could be delayed. You’ll also discover how a Los Angeles divorce attorney can help you navigate any issues that drag the process out.
What Are Common Reasons a Divorce Is Delayed?
Generally, there are three common reasons that a divorce can be delayed. The most common cause is that in California, there is a mandatory six-month waiting period. As such, the divorce will not be finalized until the period is over, even if you’ve submitted the necessary paperwork.
However, there are additional reasons your divorce can take a while to complete. Unfortunately, several complex reasons could delay your divorce. If you have many assets, determining the value to ensure each person receives a fair amount is essential. Similarly, if you or your spouse own a business, the valuation may take a while which can delay the process.
Unfortunately, you may find that despite every other part of your divorce proceeding without a hitch, your spouse isn’t making the process easier. If your spouse doesn’t want the divorce or wants to punish you for filing, you may find that they will do everything possible to extend the process. Similarly, if your spouse refuses to hand over financial documents, is hiding assets, or continually reschedules meetings with your attorneys, you may find this drags the process out.
What Can I Do if My Spouse Is the Main Cause?
During your divorce, some things are out of your control. Despite providing all the necessary documentation, valuing assets, properties, and businesses can take a while. However, when your spouse is the reason you are unable to obtain a divorce promptly, you may think there’s nothing you can do.
In California, when your spouse is uncooperative, you can obtain a final hearing date to help speed up the process. However, you can also receive a scheduling order in which the judge will create a timeline for discovery. This will help provide a schedule for the process.
However, if neither of these options work, you may be able to ask the judge to impose sanctions, especially if your spouse is ignoring court orders. This can hold them legally and financially responsible for any delays you’ve endured, especially if it increases your legal fees.
Unfortunately, you may do everything possible to help ensure this process goes as smoothly as possible. At the Zitser Family Law Group, our dedicated legal team understands how frustrating it can be to deal with an uncooperative spouse. As such, we will work tirelessly to help you through these challenging times. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.