Are Divorces Public Record in California?

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For many, the idea of their divorce becoming public record is upsetting. However, due to the laws in place in California, this is the norm. While most of this information is used for research purposes, you may find that as a public figure, having the details of your divorce easily accessible can be incredibly damaging. If you’re going through a divorce as a high net worth individual or public figure, you’re likely worried about the privacy of your divorce. The following blog explores how these records are handled in California and why connecting with Los Angeles high net worth divorce attorneys is critical if you with to maintain privacy during these difficult matters.

Are California Divorces Public Record?

In California, divorce records are public. As a result, anyone who knows the names of the parties involved and the county they filed for divorce can request the records of their divorce.

Though many may worry about friends or co-workers finding out information about them, often these records are accessed by government agencies for research purposes. In other instances, they may be accessed by private investigators or attorneys in matters regarding divorce or child support for different marriages.

However, if you are a public figure, the idea of anyone being able to access the information released during your divorce can be incredibly overwhelming. The last thing you want is for your personal or financial information available to the general public.

What Can I Do to Maintain Privacy in My Divorce?

If you are worried about your privacy during a divorce, understanding what you can do to mitigate the details of your divorce becoming public is critical. Generally, one of the most important things you should do is consider mediation. This is a form of alternative dispute resolution that allows you and your spouse to negotiate the terms of your divorce with the assistance of a neutral third-party entity. One of the primary benefits of this process is that the information discussed in mediation is confidential, meaning it will not become public record. As such, you will not have to worry about certain details being available to the public.

It’s important to understand that mediation is not always an option for all couples. However, you still have options if you must litigate your case. You and your attorney can petition to have your records sealed. Though the courts almost never seal the entire case, this can help you have certain information removed from public records, helping to provide you with more confidentiality.

As you can see, there are many things you must consider if you are getting a divorce. It’s imperative to connect with an attorney from the Zitser Family Law Group as soon as possible to discuss these matters, as our team has the experience necessary to help keep your divorce confidential. If you are concerned about your privacy, we can help. Contact us today to learn more.

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