Getting a divorce can be challenging, as you have to sever legal bonds with your spouse and handle the emotional aspects of separating from your partner. One step many take is to limit contact following a divorce, which can be challenging for some. If you have children or other obligations that connect you, such as a business, you’ll need to remain in contact. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself during this process. Keep reading to learn more about how you can set boundaries and how a Los Angeles divorce attorney can assist you if you’re having problems with your ex.
Why Is It Important to Restrict Contact?
Some people may need to stay in contact with their ex-spouse because they have a shared obligation. For example, if you share children, you’ll likely need to communicate with each other in order to co-parent your children. This includes discussing their medical needs, rules or guidelines for raising the child, and other considerations that must be made. Similarly, if you choose to stay business partners for the time being immediately after your divorce, you’ll likely need to discuss important business matters.
When you continually speak to an ex-spouse outside of any obligations, it can cause tension and make it challenging to move on from the relationship. Unfortunately, many find it difficult to heal from the divorce when they continue to speak with an ex.
What Steps Can I Take to Limit Contact With an Ex?
One of the most important things to do if you and your ex-spouse are not on the best terms is to avoid face-to-face communication. Unfortunately, this can be a starting point for conflict, so it’s in your best interest to keep these instances few and far between. Instead, you should try to keep communications to text messages, emails, or other messaging apps, as this can help you maintain a written log of your exchanges.
If you share children, you may want to look into the benefits of supervised exchanges. This involved a mediator agreed upon by both parents to oversee the transition of the child from one parent to another. As such, the mediator helps keep the interaction calm, smooth, and civil, which is in your child’s best interest.
Finally, you’ll want to carefully navigate the relationships you have with your ex’s family. Unfortunately, divorce is challenging as you may have established relationships with your spouse’s family. Though you may trust your ex’s cousin with details of your life, you’ll want to express that discussions about your ex are off limits for both of you and be careful sharing any information you would not want your ex to know about.
If your ex-spouse is not respecting the boundaries you’ve set or harasses you via text message or email, you’ll want to contact the Zitser Family Law Group as soon as possible. Our firm will explore the circumstances to help you pursue the best course of action to help you move on from this period in your life. Contact us today to learn how our team can assist you.