How Do I Know if I’ll Qualify for Spousal Support in California?

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When many spouses get divorced, they’ll require spousal support payments so they can continue their standard of living. After all, when couples divorce, they both will only have one salary to depend on, or none if they were a stay-at-home parent or spouse. Unfortunately, this can put certain individuals in a rather precarious situation. For this reason, California courts will often award these individuals with alimony payments after a divorce. Please continue reading and reach out to our knowledgeable Los Angeles spousal support attorneys to learn more about what you’ll qualify for spousal support and how our firm can help you receive it. Here are some of the questions you may have:

Will I qualify for spousal support in California?

To qualify for spousal support, you will have to meet various criteria. Just some of the factors courts will consider when determining whether you’ll qualify are as follows:

  • Both you and your spouse’s yearly salaries (if yours is lower, you may qualify)
  • The actual need for support and the other spouse’s ability to pay
  • You and your spouse’s age and health
  • The duration of your marriage (the longer your marriage, the greater chance you’ll receive support for a longer period of time)
  • The standard of living established during your marriage

Will I ever stop receiving spousal support?

Depending on the spousal support agreement you’ve reached (permanent or temporary) you may stop receiving spousal support after a certain period of time. Additionally, certain factors can also trigger the modification of a spousal support agreement. For example, if you are receiving support but you get a higher-paying job or otherwise run into a large sum of money (such as by getting a large inheritance or even winning the lottery) your ex may request a modification to or termination of your initial alimony agreement. Additionally, if your ex develops a serious medical condition that requires a significant amount of his or her personal funds to treat, it may warrant a reduction or termination of alimony.

The truth is, any number of factors can influence an alimony agreement. For this reason, if you have any concerns regarding your spousal support, the most important thing you can do is retain the services of a competent Los Angeles divorce attorney who can fight for the full amount of alimony you deserve and need. Give Zitser Family Law Group, APC a call today so we can begin working on your case.

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For the qualified, dedicated legal representation you and your family deserve and need through any family law or divorce matter, contact Zitser Family Law Group, APC today.

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