Executive Employment Benefits & Divorce | What You Need to Know

When a couple gets divorced, property distribution is almost always one of their top concerns. Unfortunately, the property distribution process here in California can be quite complex, and there may be more assets at stake than you even imagine. For example, in many cases, employment benefits are frequently on the line in a divorce, and if you receive such benefits and you are looking to protect them, you must not proceed without a knowledgeable Los Angeles divorce attorney on your side. Continue reading and contact our firm to learn about employment benefits and how they may be affected by a divorce. Here are some of the questions you may have:

How is property distribution conducted in a divorce?

Property distribution is often a complex process, as courts will first have to separate property into two categories: marital property and separate property. Marital property generally includes all property that was acquired during the course of a marriage, while separate property typically includes property acquired before or outside of a marriage. That being said, since many spouses will receive employment benefits during their marriage, employment benefits are often considered marital property, thereby making them eligible for equitable distribution. In many cases, equitable does not mean equal, however, which means that if you receive these benefits, there is a chance that you may lose a portion of them as a part of your divorce agreement.

How are executive employment benefits affected by a divorce?

To start, you should understand some examples of employment benefits. These benefits may include executive comp, stock options, severance, and more. When it comes to determining whether these benefits are considered marital property, your attorney will first have to determine whether they are vested or unvested. Your attorney will also have to determine what the express terms of rights to those benefits are, and whether those terms are the result of both spouses’ efforts during the marriage. Our firm has significant experience handling all financial matters associated with divorce, and if you are currently looking to protect your executive employment benefits, or you are seeking a portion of your former spouses’ executive employment benefits, you should strongly consider speaking with our experienced California divorce attorney today. Our firm is here to help–all you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call.

Contact our experienced Los Angeles firm

Divorce and family law issues are notoriously complicated and personal, which is why you must hire an attorney with years of experience, as well as the compassion and skill needed to handle these sensitive matters. For the qualified, dedicated legal representation you and your family deserve and need, contact Zitser Family Law Group, APC today.

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