Los Angeles Domestic Violence Attorneys

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Attorneys in Los Angeles, CA

Domestic violence is, unfortunately, still very common in homes throughout the state of California and across the United States. Zitser Family Law Group, APC has been a legal resource for victims of domestic violence for many years. Our firm is ready to guide you through your legal options and help you take the proper steps to secure a better future. Especially if there are children involved, it is important to stop the violence and move forward towards a better situation. If you need an experienced and skilled attorney with years of experience fighting for victims of domestic violence, contact Zitser Family Law Group today to discuss your case. 

How is Domestic Violence Defined in California?

In the state of California, domestic violence can be defined as “abuse or threats of abuse when the person being abused and the abuser are or have been in an intimate relationship.” While abuse does include physical violence, sexual assault, making the other party reasonably afraid of harm, or harassing, stalking, destruction of property, or making other threats, it also can include emotional, verbal, and psychological forms of abuse. 

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

In California, you may request a domestic violence restraining order if you have been abused or had threats of abuse made against you by someone you have an intimate relationship with. It is important to note that the term “intimate relationship” can include a wide range of individuals, such as:

  • Spouses or domestic partners
  • Former spouses or domestic partners, whether divorced or separated
  • Someone you are currently dating or once dated
  • Someone you currently live with or once lived with, but you had a relationship greater than just being roommates
  • Someone you have a child with
  • Any close relatives, such as a parent, child, sibling, grandparent, or in-law 

Other Types of Restraining Orders

California also provides the opportunity for restraining orders against an individual with whom you do not have an intimate relationship. These include the following:

  • Civil harassment restraining orders, which are applicable for neighbors, roommates, distant family members, coworkers, etc.
  • Elder abuse/dependent abuse restraining orders
  • Workplace violence restraining orders, which aim to protect employees from another individual 

What will a Restraining Order do for me?

A restraining order aims to protect victims of abuse. It can ensure that the abusive party has no contact with you or your children, stay away from your home or job, not be permitted to own a gun, pays certain bills, follows child support and child custody/visitation orders, completes a 52-week batterer intervention program, and more. It is important to be aware that a restraining order does not constitute a divorce or establish paternity with the party. If you are suffering any sort of abuse, it is important that you take your legal options into consideration as quickly as possible. 


Contact a California Domestic Violence Attorney

At Zitser Family Law Group, your safety and wellbeing is our top priority. If you are being abused by another party, please do not hesitate to contact our firm as soon as possible so we can help you receive the protection you need. If you are suffering serious physical harm, contact 911, and then call our firm to ensure your restraining order is obtained as soon as possible. 

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