Los Angeles Child Support Attorneys

Child Support

Child Support in Los Angeles, CA

Child support is among the most hotly-contested issues for co-parents in California. Both parents are expected to contribute financially to the welfare of the children, but depending on income levels, lifestyle, parental time, and more, one parent may be expected to pay a sum each month to the other parent to ensure that the child has a safe and satisfactory standard of living. The child support system can be complex, and at times unfair without the right representation. At Zitser Family Law Group, APC, we understand that child support is one of the most challenging matters in a divorce. We will fight on your behalf to protect your child’s future. To discuss your situation with a legal team you can trust, contact Zitser Family Law Group, APC today.

Understanding Child Support

Child support is always likely in cases where there are discrepancies in time spent with each parent or income, however, the agreement must still be fair for both parties. Those that are fighting to improve the welfare of their child benefit from working with a Los Angeles divorce attorney that has taken on hundreds of child support cases. Zitser Family Law Group, APC recognizes the importance of child support and is committed to helping ensure that the court protects your child’s best interests.

Factors Influencing Child Support in California

The state of California calculates child support based on a number of different factors relating to the parents and the child. Some of the primary factors that are considered when determining a child support award include the following:

  • The income of each parent
  • The percentage of time each parent spends with the child, as calculated by the J Factor formula
  • The earning potential of the supported party
  • Child care expenses
  • The income taxes paid by each parent
  • Additional expenses that impact the family’s finances

Child Support Modifications & Enforcements

If you believe you or your former spouse’s income is not being adequately represented, that you are paying more than your income allows, or there are difficulties with the payments due to the nature of your work, our team can assist you in fighting for a fairer settlement. Child support modifications are permitted when circumstances significantly change. For example, if there has been a loss of employment, a serious health condition, or a variety of other factors, the court may consider making changes to your existing child support agreement. Additionally, if you need assistance enforcing an existing child support order, we can work with the court to ensure your child’s support is being paid by the other parent. The bottom line is that no matter your situation, we are here to support your interests.


Contact Zitser Family Law Group

Whether you are expected to receive or pay child support, or you are looking to ratify a child support system already in place, contact a Los Angeles divorce lawyer with over 20 years of experience working with child support and similar cases by contacting our firm. Our team at the Zitser Family Law Group is experienced, attentive, friendly, and knowledgeable of California state law, and ready to work for you and your interests. Reach out today to discuss your case.

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