Los Angeles Child Custody Attorneys

Child Custody

Child Custody Attorneys in Los Angeles, California

When parents decide to separate, they also have to decide on several other factors regarding their children. They must address whether they will share custody of their minor children, who will make decisions for their children, and how much time each parent may spend with their children. Generally, if parents agree on a plan, the court will approve it. However, if they disagree, the court will decide for them. The judge will consider your children’s needs and other relevant aspects of your situation, and from there, he or she will issue a custody order that is in the best interest of each child. If you are facing a child custody issue, it is important that you have strong legal representation on your side. The Zitser Family Law Group, APC understands that the future of your family is on the line and is here to help. To discuss your situation with a legal team you can trust to help protect your family, contact Zitser Family Law Group today.

Types of Child Custody

In California, there are two types of custody orders: legal custody and physical custody. With legal custody, you can make important decisions on behalf of your children, such as their health care or education. If you have physical custody of your children, your children will continue to live with you, and the other parent might be granted the right to visit. You can also have sole legal or sole physical custody of your children, you may have one without the other, or you may share joint legal custody or joint physical custody of your children with their other parent.

Visitation Orders

A visitation order determines how parents will spend time with their children. A parent without custody will usually retain the right to visitation with their children, except in very rare circumstances. The amount and type of visitation will vary based on your situation.

One common concern regards whether grandparents are permitted to seek visitation. In California, grandparents may submit a petition that requests reasonable visitation rights. The court will assess the following factors to determine whether a grandparent should have visitation privileges:

  • Whether the relationship between the child and the grandparent existed prior to the petition being filed
  • Whether it is in the child’s best interest to have a relationship with his or her grandparent
  • Whether the child’s parent wishes to exercise his or her parental authority in determining if a grandparent should have visits with a child

Determining Custody & Visitation

When it comes time to decide on child custody and visitation, the court makes the best interests of the children their primary concern. In accordance with California Family Code Section 2011, the court will take into account the following factors when deciding on child custody:

  • The age and health of the children
  • The emotional ties between the children and their parents
  • The ability of each parent to care for the children
  • Histories of family violence or substance abuse
  • The children’s ties to their families, schools, and communities


Contact a Los Angeles Child Custody Attorney

Custody and visitation are often contentious and emotional issues. We know that the welfare of your children is your first priority. With compassion and sensitivity, we will help you create the best possible custody arrangement for your family. Contact Zitser Family Law Group to schedule a consultation with our experienced legal team.

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